Sticky’s Candy & Bakery

The Best Little Candy Shop in Langley!

We appreciate all our loyal customers who are continuing to support us during the skytrain construction on Fraser Highway. Thank you!

Reminder we are continuing to offer service by old fashioned telephone to arrange pick up for your orders. You can contact us by phone or email. We also offer free local delivery on orders of $25 and up!

Pre-Order Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries for Feb 14th!

For Valentines Day week Feb 11-14

-We will be dipping FRESH Strawberries with rich Belgium chocolate drizzled with white chocolate. Some with skor bits, and sprinkles

$24 per dozen boxed.

-We also have beautiful Valentines themed gift basket full of goodies including some downtown dollars. $75

Get your Valentine’s Candy, Candy Box Subscriptions, Root Beer Boxes, Valentine Candy Bouquets, and More!

Baskets galore! Come in and get your unique gift for this holiday season.

We can tailor to your special requests. Prices start at $25.

We offer FREE Local Delivery on orders of $25 and up!

Root Beer Sampler Packs

Root Beer Sampler Packs are a favourite with root beer aficianados everywhere. 12 bottles of nostalgic pops along with our Root Beer Tasting Notes! $42.99.

Order yours by phone or email: 604 510 1788 Take advantage of our curb side pick-up option!

Cookie Platters

Freshly baked in-store

Order yours by phone or email: 604 510 1788 Take advantage of our curb side pick-up option!

At Sticky’s Candy Emporium we take pride in our selection of nostalgia candy, fresh in-store baking, and the best curated selection of traditional root beers! Visit us on the one-way portion of Fraser Highway in Langley City!

20464 Fraser Highway
604 . 510 . 1788

We’re in with some pretty sweet brands!

These are just a few of the fun and retro company we keep.

and so many, many, many more!